BEHOLD, dairy-free, gluten-free pizza crust!
Mmmmm Pizza!
BEHOLD, dairy-free, gluten-free pizza crust!
Kale-ing me softly
Hubby asked me why I had a picture of a bowl of weed. LOL!
The two most powerful warriors
This is how I roll...

If at first you don't succeed
Wordless Wednesday - 9.5 Weeks Out
Menu Planning Monday - This week is boring!
This week's menu is a B O R E! The hubs and I have decided to tighten up our purse strings so that we can build our main savings account up. I crunched the numbers, and while I am good at math, my budgets tend to work better in theory than in practice. LOL! Anyways, we are going to see if we can suffer through this week (and maybe next!) before I up our allowance. You should've seen us counting out change to pay for booze (not mine!) this weekend. LOL! We're going cash only, for the most part.
Oh yeah, back to the boring menu... tight purses and contest prep = food that isn't very exciting!
Monday - 93/7 ground turkey taco salad topped w/ salsa, homemade "fiesta" hummus, and corn
Tuesday - 93/7 turkey burgers (mine without bun), portabella mushrooms,
Wednesdsay - tilapia, barley (does anyone know if this is considered a wheat product?), broccoli
Thursday - buffalo chicken tenders (prep style! I'll post a recipe later in the week!), french fries (baked, of course!), random veggie to be determined
Friday - black bean burgers (no bun for me!), barley (if it's wheat-free), broccoli
Saturday - Heading to my dad's house. Seth and I made a pact to not eat out for the month of August. I'm thinking we may bring down some steaks to grill from our local meat market. YUM!
Check out more weekly menus over at I'm an Organizing Junkie!
PREP: 10 weeks out. So, I got my goal weight from my coach. I know a couple of you were curious... 118-120. Before my carb up, I was at 124.8, so I don't have a whole lot more to lose. That being said, my abs still haven't made an appearance. That is definitely my trouble spot! I also would not be surprised if once I got to that range, we would need to go lower. That is just how I am feeling currently, but I'm not the expert and I fully trust my coach.
THE BASEMENT: This craphole is still a major stressor for me. Slowly but surely I am making some progress. At least now my posing area is free of clutter.
FOOD: Check out the crazy concoctions that I made in the kitchen over the weekend!
PB Chocolate loaves
Blueberry Muffins - Contest Prep Style
- Total Fat: 1.7 g
- Cholesterol: 17.7 mg
- Sodium: 216.8 mg
- Total Carbs: 12.2 g
- Dietary Fiber: 1.9 g
- Protein: 17.3 g
Thinking Out Loud
So... yeah, I've rambled about all kinds of crap that isn't even fitness related. LOL! This is what is on the forefront of my mind right now.
I shall cut myself off now. :o) At least tomorrow is Friday. Hip, hip! HOORAY!
Better Late than Never! Honest Scrap Award
"bestowed upon a fellow blogger who's blog content or design, the givers opinion, is brilliant. This award is about bloggers who post from their heart,who often times put their heart on display as they write from the depths of their soul".
The rules to accepting this award are:
1)Brag about it
2)select 7 blogs you find brilliant and link them to the post
3) list 10 honest things about self
126.2 - Waiting for my carb up
127.6 - Interrupting my regularly scheduled program...
I'm exhausted. LOL!! I think I will take a nap on my lunch break. :)
129.6 - Tasty Tuesday - Black Bean & Corn Enchiladas
Black Bean & Corn Enchiladas

8 servings (serving size: 1 enchilada)
- 1 teaspoon canola oil
- 2 cups diced zucchini
- 1 (10-ounce) package frozen whole-kernel corn
- 1 (15-ounce) can black beans, rinsed and drained
- 3 cups Enchilada Sauce, divided
- Cooking spray
- 8 (8-inch) whole wheat tortillas
- 2 cups (8 ounces) shredded reduced-fat cheddar cheese, divided
Preheat oven to 350°.
Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add 2 cups zucchini and corn; sauté for 5 minutes or until vegetables are tender. Remove from heat, and stir in beans.
Spread 1 cup Enchilada Sauce in the bottom of a 13 x 9-inch baking dish coated with cooking spray. Spoon about 1/2 cup zucchini mixture down center of 1 tortilla; sprinkle with 2 tablespoons cheese, and roll up. Place seam-side down in baking dish. Repeat procedure with remaining tortillas, zucchini mixture, and 14 tablespoons cheese. Spread remaining 2 cups sauce evenly over enchiladas.
Cover with foil; bake at 350° for 30 minutes. Uncover; top with remaining 1 cup cheese. Bake, uncovered, for 10 minutes or until cheese melts.
Nutritional Information
- Calories:
- 348 (27% from fat)
- Fat:
- 4.2g (sat 1.8g,mono 1.5g,poly 1.5g)
- Protein:
- 16g
- Carbohydrate:
- 47.2g
- Fiber:
- 7g
- Cholesterol:
- 20mg
- Iron:
- 3.3mg
- Sodium:
- 878mg
- Calcium:
- 260mg

128.6 – Menu Planning Monday and More
Heya folks!! Shooo, this weekend was a busy one. I spent so much time organizing. FUN STUFF! I really do enjoy it, and boy oh boy did it wear me out.
First things first… Menu Planning Monday!
Monday: Chicken, broccoli, baked potato (me), fried mashed potato patties (DH) using leftover mashed potatoes and Italian bread crumbs… this is an experiment. LOL!
Tuesday: Crab Muffins (leftover from last week… I made ½ the recipe as crab cakes and half as muffins), salad
Wednesday: Sloppy Joes (on a whole grain English muffin for me, DH gets his beloved buns), green beans, baked beans (DH)
Thursday: Fish of the day (Mahi Mahi), baked potato, salad
Friday: Chicken, pasta salad (I may have another carb source), broccoli
Saturday: Pizza Night!! Homemade, of course. Choose your own toppings! J
Sunday: Taco night, using shredded pork. Served buffet style! Fun! (This also helps me prep veggies for the week, since I like to keep a salad tray filled for convenience.)
Weekly Recap
Last week was smooth sailing!
It really couldn't have gone any better! I hit quite a few PRs in the gym, survived the ranging hunger from hormonal bliss (ha!), and even dipped down to the lowest weight of this prep yet… albeit by .2 pounds. Yes that is POINT two pounds… 2/10, 1/5, whatever. It's still a milestone, even though there is no reason to celebrate just yet.
Week of 07-26-09 to 08-01-09
Weight Loss: 3.2 pounds
Weekly Goals
I'm going to keep most of last week's goals rolling. They were just what I needed.
** Drink 150+ Ounces of Water Daily
** Abs 2x
** Diet and Training 100% on Point
** Two Scoops of Protein Powder Supps/Day Maximum
** Run/walk 3x (as part of triathlon training) NEW!
**Yoga 1x NEW!
**Pilates 1x NEW!
**At least 5:00 stretching after every lifting session NEW!
I've been thinking, not only do I suck at endurance, but my flexibility is L A C K I N G majorly! So, starting slow, I want to incorporate yoga, and I want to finish off each workout with AT LEAST five minutes of stretching. I always enjoy stretching, so dammit, I gotta just do it.
For all you Virgos out there, here's today's horoscope. I get these in my inbox daily from I get a kick out of reading them, sometimes they are silly, sometimes they are eerily on point, but today I found this one highly motivating! That's why I'm posting it here. J
Monday, Aug 3rd, 2009 -- Your key planet Mercury is now at home in your sign, raising the bar on perfection even higher than usual. The messenger planet remains in critical Virgo until August 25, setting you up for success if you can achieve excellence. But you also can be disappointed in yourself if you fall short of your unrealistic expectations. For now, trusting both your perceptions and your logic will steer you in the right direction. Listen to more about today with Rick Levine's
Weekend "fun"
It is amazing how bare the cupboards and refrigerator looks once everything is organized! Sheesh! And yes, I keep junk food and packaged products in the house. Don't hate. hehe
The sad part? We JUST bought groceries. Wow. Seems so empty! I apologize for the crappy pic quality. I get a little pic happy w/ my cell phone! LOL!
What else did I do?!
I tried to tackle this monster. YIKES!
My dad was kind enough to dump a lot of boxes on us several weeks ago before he moved. I guess we will be having a yard sale soon. I don't know what to do with it all. This was our first weekend home, (for me… hubby has been on summer vacation), and this has all just been sitting in our basement… and weighing heavily on my mind. I hate messes like this!
See that big ol' mirror propped up against the wall? That little cubby is where I usually practice my posing and walk... but it's blocked right now... another reason why I gotta get the basement cleaned up! :)
Does anyone have any tips? I hope to finish organizing and cleaning it up by the end of next weekend. It is a bit overwhelming. A lot of it is childhood stuff that I hate to throw away/sell/donate… a lot of it is old décor that was my mom's stuff before she passed… it's sentimental stuff like that that I really don't know what to do with… Ideas?
Alrighty, I have rambled enough. Let's make today a great one!
PS - I promise this blog looks pretty when I hit preview, but when I "Publish" it all gets jacked up! Very very frustrating.