Trouble Spots
Click Click Boom
Okay, I have no idea why that song is in my head, but it is, and those are the only words I know.
My weekend was an absolute mess. I'm still fighting off this wretched cold or whatever it is I have. I was in bed all weekend. Diet remained clean and pretty much on point. One day was a little too high because I had planned on lifting, but I could barely sit up, so I decided against it. Another day was too low because I could only stomach protein shakes. I guess it balances out in the end, right? ;-)
I am still sick, but at least I made it to work. I have less than a week to send in my registration and entry fee. At this point I am still undecided. Even though my weight has dropped quite a bit (10 pounds total since the beginning of prep), I still feel fluffy. Perhaps it is water weight due to illness. I am hopeful for some sort of ab unveiling by the week's end.
The diet is going surprisingly well. I rarely want for anything. I am not going to lie, some chocolate and wine would be fabulous, but when wouldn't it?
Egg Whites, Oats, and Apples -- Again!
35g old-fashioned oats
1 small apple
Splenda (or other calorie-free sweetener) to taste
- Spray small or medium frying pan with non-stick cooking spray. Heat at Medium to Medium High, depending on your stove. I find it easier to cook these correctly on the lower heat, BUT, let's face it, sometimes I'm too hungry to wait!
- Blend egg whites and oats. This is the pancake 'batter'. Pour into frying pan.
- Chop apples over the pancake so that the pieces just fall onto the batter. I prefer to do it this way because it uses less dishes. You may rather chop the apple on a cutting board and then spread it over the batter.
- Once the middle has solidified a bit, carefully flip the pancake over. This is the most difficult part as the apples add quite a bit of weight to the pancake. Don't worry, if you make a mess, it still tastes the same.
- Sprinkle to taste w/ cinnamon and Splenda. I use a ton. I am a little piggie. :o)
- Let it cook a little longer, until the eggs are done. It usually doesn't take very long. Then just flip it onto your plate and sprinkle with more cinnamon and Splenda.
Calories: 260
Fat: 2g
Carbs: 38g
Fiber: 7g
Protein: 21g
**nutritional value for Splenda is not included in these macros.
Sweating Bullets
Phew! I am a schwetty schwetty beast. No, not because I just finished a bomb-ass workout or a killer cardio session, but because I'm sitting at my desk, at work, and methinks my fever just broke. Hallefrickinlujah! I have felt like warmed-over ass for a couple days now. (I paint a pretty picture, huh? Gotta love some warmed-over ass.) I have been sick more often than not during this prep. My body has been rebelling since the 5th week. At 8 weeks out, I was rockin', ready to roll. At 4 weeks out I was in the exact same place at 8 weeks out. Now at 3 weeks and 2 days out I am still unsure as to whether or not it's even possible. I set out to do this competition with certain physical goals and ideals, not to be a measly 4 pounds lighter. I carry purses that weigh more than that. Okay, I lie, I rarely carry purses. LOL!
Anyways, that's me venting. I figured it was time for an update, and since nothing uberly productive is occurring, I thought I'd share my current boo-hoo, woe-is-me moment with you. :-)
And just so you know, I am not a Negative Nancy. I am actually posting this with a smile on my face (not a psycho Joker kinda smile :p ). I'll keep on truckin!
My wonky body is not listening.
I have been slacking in my blog. I do have a couple of recipes in the works. My first attempt at a clean oatmeal raisin cookie was a little too fluffy and muffin-like, but it will be coming shortly. :o)
It's the little things...
I can't wait for it to get here! I'm sure it will be used for strictly clean contest prep type meals at first, but I have visions of preparing a deliciously creamy butternut squash soup in the not so distant future.
Next on the to-buy list: food processor & stand mixer. I keep putting these off because they're on the pricey side.
Workin' on my V
Monday I received Julie Lohre's posing DVD. Yesterday I watched the entire thing while doing my easy cardio session. As soon as I hopped off my treadmill, I put her tips to work. I can already tell that this DVD will be an invaluable tool for me. She explains everything in such a simple way that I was just like DUH! This is obvious! Thanks to her DVD, things are now clicking.
Annnnnd, I finally got my woosh! WOOOO HOOO!! Let's keep our fingers crossed that I will be lean enough for the competition in March. If not, that's okay, too. It has been a wonderful learning experience. :)
So, this is where I stand currently. Uneasy and unsure to a point of slight nausea. Oh joy!
With that said, I am determined to pick myself up, turn my self-inflicted frown upside down, and plow forward with everything I have. I have 2.5 weeks to turn in my application. If I don't compete, at least I will be able to say I busted my balls and gave it my absolute all!
P.S. Saturday I decided to bail on the competition. Enjoyed some cookies on Sunday. Damn. Those were good. :)
Sneak Preview

Behold! Syntrax Nectar Sweets in Chocolate Truffle
I just struck chocolate gold! This stuff is delicious! by FAR my favorite protein powder at the moment. It's a whey protein isolate with a taste that is out of this world... reminiscent of a Wendy's Frosty, only... dare I say it... more chocolate-y!
The nutrition breakdown is pretty sweet, too. (Pun intended!)
100 Calories
0g Fat
1g Carbs
23g Protein
No sugar! No fat! Great GREAT flavor! What's not to like?
P.S. I do realize that I totally overused exclamation points in this post, but dammit, I'm excited. :)